ISO 26000. Social responsibility Course

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Become familiar with the principles and core concepts of social responsibility
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ISO 26000 Course Description

Organizations around the world, and their stakeholders, are becoming increasingly aware of the need for and the benefits of socially responsible behavior. The objective of social responsibility is to contribute to sustainable development.

This course presents the guidelines in the international standard ISO 26000:2010 for the social responsibility of organizations.

The course includes an introductory section with generic information about the concept of social responsibility, the principles of social responsibility, the structure and the purpose of ISO 26000.

The main part of the course is about the core subjects for social responsibility (Organizational governance, Human rights, Labor practices, The environment, Fair operating practices, Consumer issues and Community involvement and development) and the issues covered by each core subject. Each social responsibility issue in the standard is presented along with the context and the actions and expectations from a socially responsible organization.

The final part of the course discusses guidelines and methods to integrate social responsibility throughout an organization, to review performance and to improve social responsibility in the organization. Also the certification to ISO 26000 (for persons and organizations) is discussed in this section of the course.

Enroll and learn about how an organization (regardless of size or sector) can go beyond legal compliance and contribute to sustainable development through social responsibility.

Understand the subjects and issues of social responsibility including human rights, labor practices, the environment, consumer issues or community involvement.

Who the ISO 26000 Course is for:

  • Social responsibility managers and practitioners
  • Sustainability managers
  • Social impact managers
  • Social responsibility specialists, auditors and consultants
  • Sustainability and social responsibility enthusiasts

What youā€™ll learn on the ISO 26000 Course

  • The principles of social responsibility
  • The core subjects and issues for social responsibility

  • Actions and expectations from a socially responsible organization
  • The guidelines in ISO 26000 for integrating social responsibility throughout an organizatio

ISO 26000 Course Program

3 sections ā€¢ 45 lectures ā€¢ 3h 16m total length


The concept of social responsibility and ISO 26000
About the structure of the course and other generic information

The social responsibility of organizations

About the concept of social responsibility, the relationship with sustainable development. About ISO 26000 – the purpose of the standard and its structure

Principles of social responsibility

A presentation of the seven principles of social responsibility according to ISO 26000

Identification and engagement of stakeholders

What are the stakeholders. Why it is important to identify stakeholders. How to engage stakeholders on social responsibility aspects

Core subject: Organizational governance
About organizational governance as a core subject for social responsibility and a means for the organization to increase its ability to behave in a socially responsible manner. About what represents organizational governance.

Core subject: Human rights
Generic information about human rights as a core subject for social responsibility. About the issues covered by this core subject and about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Due diligence & Human rights risk situations
About what includes the human rights due diligence process and what is its purpose. Examples of human rights risk situations and how they should be managed by an organization.

Avoidance of complicity & Resolving grievances
About what means complicity in the context of human rights and how to avoid it. About the process that should be established for resolving grievances related to human rights violations.

Discrimination and vulnerable groups
About what is discrimination and how an organization should avoid it. Examples of vulnerable groups that may be subject to discrimination.

Civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights
About the fundamental human rights that should be respected by an organization who acts in a socially responsible manner.

Fundamental principles and rights at work
About the fundamental rights of workers (freedom of association, elimination of forced labor, elimination of discrimination and abolition of child work).

Core subject: Labor practices
About Labor practices as a core subject for social responsibility. About the issues covered by this core subject. About the International Labour Organization.

Employment and employment relationships
Actions and expectations from a socially responsible organization with regards to employment and employment relationships.

Conditions of work & Social protection
About the conditions of work that should be offered by a socially responsible organization.

Social dialogue
About what represents social dialogue and what are the guidelines for a socially responsible organization in this regard.

Health and safety at work
About the actions and expectations from a socially responsible organization regarding the health and safety of its workers.

Human development and training in the workplace
About what represents human development and how a socially responsible organization should behave in the relationship with its employees.

Core subject: The environment
About the environment as a core subject for social responsibility and the issues covered by this core subject. About the principles that an organization should promote and respect with regards to the environment.

Prevention of pollution
About actions and expectations from a socially responsible organization on the prevention and control of pollution.

Sustainable use of resources
About what represents the sustainable use of natural resources and how an organization is expected to behave.

Climate change mitigation and adaptation
About what a socially responsible organization should do to combat climate change and how to adapt to a changing climate.

Protection of the environment, biodiversity and restoration of natural habitats
Actions and expectations from a socially responsible organization on protecting ecosystems and wildlife.

Core subject: Fair operating practices
About fair operating practices as a core subject for social responsibility and about the issues it covers.

Anti-corruption & Responsible political involvement
Actions and expectations from a socially responsible organization on preventing and fighting corruption and about the responsible political involvement of an organization.

Fair competition
Guidelines for an organization to avoid anti-competitive behavior.

Promoting social responsibility in the value chain & Respect for property rights
About what represents the value chain and what is the difference from the supply chain. How an organization is expected to promote social responsibility throughout the value chain. Actions and expectations from a socially responsible organization with regards to property rights.

Core subject: Consumer issues
About consumer issues as a core subject for social responsibility and the seven issues of this core subject. About the legitimate needs of consumers according to the UN Guidelines for consumer protection.

Fair marketing, factual and unbiased information and fair contractual practices
Guidelines for an organization on what represents fair marketing and the provision of clear and fair information to consumers.

Protecting consumers’ health and safety
Actions and expectations from a socially responsible organization for protecting the safety and the health of consumers.

Sustainable consumption
About what represents sustainable consumption and what are the responsibilities of an organization for promoting sustainable consumption.

Consumer service, support and complaint and dispute resolution
About the processes that a socially responsible organization should implement for providing service and support to consumers and for managing complaints and conflicts.

Consumer data protection and privacy
Actions and expectations from a socially responsible organization on processing the personal data of consumers and protecting their privacy.

Access to essential services
Guidelines for organizations that provide essential services to the population in the context of social responsibility.

Education and awareness
About the actions and expectations from a socially responsible organization on educating consumers.

Core subject: Community involvement and development
About the community involvement and development as a core subject for social responsibility and about the issues that this subject covers.

Community involvement
About what represents community involvement and what a socially responsible organization is expected to do.

Education and culture
Guidelines for preserving and promoting local culture and traditions and for promoting education in the local community.

Employment creation and skills development
About creation of employment and programmes for skills development as responsibilities for a socially responsible organization.

Technology development and access & Wealth and income creation
About using technology to resolve social and environmental issues in the local community. About creating wealth and income for the community.

Health and social investment
Actions and expectations from a socially responsible organization on promoting health and social investment in the local community.

Integrating social responsibility throughout an organization
About the guidelines of ISO 26000 for integrating social responsibility throughout an organization. About determining relevance and significance of core subjects and issues. About top management involvement and support. About awareness and communication on social responsibility.

Reviewing and improving social responsibility
Guidelines for monitoring social responsibility performance and improvement.

Certification to ISO 26000
About the certification of organizations and the certification of persons to ISO 26000.

Cristian Vlad Lupa

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