Online courses and trainings – eLearning search system

Online courses and trainings – eLearning search system

A universal system for searching online courses and educational programs from leading companies and specialists from around the world

Our system is fast, smart and client focused

Start learning a new profession today – choose a training program right now!

Educational mechanics

We record videos, write educational articles – long reads, create tests and practical work to consolidate knowledge. The works are reviewed by the checking teachers, and the test results are evaluated automatically.

Educational and product analytics

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Service and support

The customer support service solves any technical issues. Curators and reviewing experts help participants during the training on the platform: they correct mistakes, explain and supplement the course materials.

Join Thousands Of Happy Clients

Through Creativity, Integrity & Innovation

Educational platform EdonDaily

Administrative and business management

We keep reports: on the work of the service, curators, checking experts, financial documentation with a detailed structure of marketing and production costs.

Educational platform EdonDaily

Security and Compliance

We process personal data of clients in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. Data is stored in a system with a multi-stage security system

People trust EdonDaily

Since 2019, we have helped 5000+ users change jobs. Employees of the Career Center provide consultations for platform users. Help them write a resume, find a job and pass an interview.

A place where people love to study

A friendly team of teachers and students is the key to success. We are happy to welcome new people to our team. Join us.


The largest selection of training programs

The mission of EdonDaily is to enable everyone to be a relevant and in-demand specialist right now. Regardless of age and geography.